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Recently I inherited the vase you see in the attached picture.
Years ago I had admired it for its fine shape and wonderful color. There is no potters mark at the base. When held in the sunlight one can see what appear to be finger marks of the potter, although no unevenness can be felt. A slight, fine crackle is visible inside and out. If you could have a look at the picture, it might place the vase in the proper time.
Since the bowl has sentimental value, its value in the real world is of little concern to me. The origin of the piece on the other hand interest me greatly.
It was the center of a table decoration at my birthday party given by a now deceased friend. As you might imagine, the color and shape captured me. My friend must have noted this and she left it to me in her will.
From your pictures it looks like an excellent Chinese, late Qing dynasty bowl.
It could very well date from the first decades of the 20th century, which does not detract at all from its value.
These pieces was a few years ago looked down upon as "late" but since we now have turned into the 21st century, the 19th century suddenly feels very far away.
These "recent" pieces was also made with traditional methods and original materials - so besides being a beautiful pot I think there are few areas in Chinese ceramics that stands in front of such re-evaluation as pieces from this time.
I also would like to suggest you be utterly careful with this piece, since it is not possibly for me to examine it and rule anything out - but the fact remains that around 1916 some of the best pieces of porcelain - ever - was made in a last attempt to reestablish the Chinese empire - the main difference from the earlier pieces was new and more vital shapes than for a long while previous.
And, your bowl have some of that flavor :-)
Thank you for your interest.
Best regards,
Jan-Erik Nilsson