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Will you please tell me what this is?
It was suggested to me that it was a Chinese "Hand Pillow".
I have never heard of such a thing.
Thank you very much for your time and patience.
As usual when we touch upon the fine points in Chinese culture, I turn to Simon Ng in Hong Kong for help, and yes - he confirmed at once that this is indeed a pillow.
The summers are warm and humid in some areas in China and these were sometimes "a blessing" for a hand or as a head rest, as he put it.
If this is a genuine article or a later replica, is another question though, and for a date I would suggest early to mid 20th century.
Thank you for your interest.
Best regards,
Jan-Erik Nilsson
This information is given as an example of private conversation only and is not intended to be used as a promotion of any individual piece. All opinions are the authors and are given as such with all hazards of judging anything from a photo. Copyright © Jan-Erik Nilsson, Göteborg 2001.
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