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Welcome to the gotheborgList. This document gives you the basic knowledge that you need to use this board effectively. If you experience any difficulties with the board, please contact a moderator.
Reading Discussions
Anyone with WWW access can read discussions on this board. To read discussions, navigate to the discussion of interest by single clicking on the links from the list of topics and subtopics. You can navigate backwards using the navigation bars at the top of each page.
Contributing to Discussions
To post a message to an existing discussion, fill in the "Add a Message" box at the bottom of the page. You may use formatting codes or basic HTML tags to improve the appearance of your post. At the discretion of the moderators, the discussion may allow public posting, but the norm is that all postings require a user account (username and password). Follow the instructions on the form to supply the necessary credentials for posting.
Where available, you may click on a "Create New Conversation" button to start a new discussion. This will add a subtopic with the subject you specify and start a conversation with the initial message that you specify. After filling in the subject line, post a message as described above.
Searching the Board archive
This discussion board can be searched by time of post and keyword from the Search screen. This searching mechanisms provide convenient methods to locate discussions of interest.
Getting an Account
Having a user account on this discussion board gives the following benefits:
To obtain a user account, go to the User Registration screen.
Where to get further information
For additional information on using this system, read the Formatting document and the Troubleshooting document. If you have additional questions or concerns, post them to an appropriate area on the discussion forum, or contact one of the moderators or the board administrator from the contact page.
The Unwritten Rules of the GotheborgList
1. Purpose
This list is for collectors and their discussion about their own pieces. This list is not a free appraisal service nor is it a free authentication service. Basically, the one purpose of this list is to have a good time while probing into the unknown fringes of porcelain collecting and to give or ask for a helping hand as the situation merits.
2. List courtesy and "Nettiquette"
When writing your messages, please use the same courtesy that you would show when speaking face-to-face with someone. Flames, insults, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. It's fine to disagree strongly with opinions, ideas, and facts, but always with respect for the other person. Great minds do not always think alike, and that's where the fun is! Also, note that messages express the thoughts of the writers, not the board or its moderators.
3. No advertising allowed
Do not hint, recommend, advertise, promote, push or in any way refer to any commercial sites selling porcelain, from this list. It has nothing to do with who the sellers are - who might be dear friends or even list members. It is just a rule based on this list not degrading to an advertising area that might bore us all to death in days. It is equal for all and in fairness applies to all. Book recommendations are an appreciated exception, though.
4. Before you post a question
Read a number of old posts, to get the feeling for the community. Also, look through the site so you know what is already there. The most basic, is to spend some time in the Glossary and the Marks section. Then, ask about one piece at a time. It is also appreciated if you have done some homework on your own before you pop the list a question.
5. Pictures - use .jpg and keep attached files smaller than 75kb
The board allows you to add one picture together with your post. If you need more than one picture you need to edit them all into one picture or post several messaged to the bord with one picture in each. Kindly keep the total file size to around 75 kb per piece, which is about one full screen in .jpg format. A clear picture of the base is very helpful even if "there is nothing to see". Large picture files could also be stored somewhere else on the web, and then you just send the URL (link) to the list.
6. Email "subject" lines are called "threads"
When you change subject, change the subject line accordingly. Write as long and relevant titles as possibly, since this makes it easier for the visitor to find your posts.
7. If you don't get any replies to your post
Probably nobody knows the answer. Do some more research on your own, rephrase the question and ask again.
8. Legalese on service provided
The purposes of the list and web page are entertainment and for personal education only. expressly disclaims all warranties as to the accuracy of any help or information you might obtain through anyone or anything found on or through the discussion list, web page or links. By accessing the information offered here you expressly agree that any use of this is at your own risk.
9. Legalese on copyright
By submitting pictures, questions and opinions you are also automatically granting the list and web page the right to use and publish them in the list and web page or in any derivate form that might occur, for the full term of any rights that may exist. You also grant and warrant that you have the right to do so and that this does not infringe any copyright or other proprietary right of others. Check out the Marks, Glossary and Info sections to see how your text and pictures might be published on the list and web page.
If you feel something should be changed or added to this introduction, kindly contact me off list.
Best regards, and welcome to the gotheborgList
Jan-Erik Nilsson
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